Field PC/Tablets

Field PC/Tablets

As a spin-out after Prenart Equipment became a part of DMR A/S, Juniper Systems products range of rugged handheld PCs and GPS are now available right here.

About Juniper Systems Limited

Based out of Logan, UT, USA, and Birmingham, UK, Juniper Systems is a world leader in the design and manufacture of ultra-rugged handheld computers and provides field data collection solutions for use in extreme environments. Since 1993, professionals have relied on Juniper Systems’ innovative mobile technology in the geomatics, industrial, natural resources, utilities and public services, and military markets.

If you love your expensive, but fragile laptop or tablet, then avoid bringing it to the field. It is NOT built for it!

For projects that require something extraordinary for data collection equipment in the field, and where data loss MUST NOT occur,  PRENART EQUIPMENT v/ DMR A/S has always used equipment from Juniper Systems, ever since the first Allegro DOS model was introduced in year 2000.

Easy data collection – wireless or hand keyed – even with gloves on!

Instead of writing information down on paper sheets, data is easily hand-keyed directly into a Field Computer or collected by wireless connection from instruments such as GPS, barcode scanners, calipers, micrometers, scales etc.

For more information about the field PC equipment please contact our experts below.


In the long-term project focused on the status of development of Danish forests – National Forest Inventory (NFI) – which was initiated in 2002 (by Copenhagen University), the first choice for field equipment has always been Allegro Handhelds from Juniper Systems.

Poul Larsen
Department manager
+45 30 22 50 55
Preben Jørgensen
Expertise manager
+45 40 51 16 64