For DMR it is important not only to have economic success, but also to have societal responsibility and manage the company through healthy principals. No matter where DMR does business, it is therefore done through ground principals to act correct and with responsible.
At DMR we know that we as a company have a societal responsibility. It is therefore important for DMR that all our staff members work according to our code of conduct.
It is a basic value, that we wish to manage our company in an orderly and decent manor where we display consideration and respect for human, environment and engage our selves in the society we are a part of.
DMR follow management methods which is ethic, socially and environmentally responsible, and we live up to the United Nations Global Compacts 10 principals.
Our code of conduct have the standards we as an organization and each staff member acts according to. This codecs gives an ethic and legal frame for our day-to-day activities, and guidance to handle challenging situations.
DMR wish every year to support development activities emergency staff through support to humanitarian organizations. It is every year decided in the board which projects that will be supported, but we focus on larger projects that live up to UN’s 17 world goals for sustainable development. As DMR is an engineering consultancy company working with the environment, we find goal nr. 4 (quality education), nr. 6 (pure water and sanitation) and nr. 13 (climate) to be natural areas to support.